Hello 2017.

1 January 2017

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."
 - Neil Gaiman
I've never been a great one with new year's resolutions. I would sit down, think hard and write a long list of things, which I would valiantly abide by for about a week, then spend the rest of the year feeling ever so slightly guilty that I just couldn't manage the life overhaul I'd imagined for myself at the beginning of the year.

A few years ago, I decided instead to give myself a word for the year, which I find a far less oppressive solution. You see, I like the idea of a new year being a fresh start and a chance to make some important changes or set out some goals, but without all the pressure that a list of resolutions imposes.

I've been thinking about what to choose for this year's word over the Christmas period and I've decided that my word for 2017 is 'balance'. The last few months of 2016 were exhausting and, until I had a little time off in December, I felt as if the weeks were racing by and I was struggling to focus on anything apart from work and a series of seemingly never-ending to-do lists. I love my job and I really feel like my career is going in a direction that I'm proud of but I want to make time for other things too, which I know will only help me to be more focused and balanced in all aspects of my life.

So how to bring more balance to my life? This year, I'm planning to really set aside some quality time with my husband and friends, exploring more of this amazing city/country of ours and putting my phone to one side as much as possible and really give all my attention to these moments, which can be so fleeting. At the same time, part of the balance I think I need will be learning to say no when necessary - that may take some work. I want to pay more attention to my health and focus on some me-time, by reading more, getting back into yoga and taking some time for crafts and baking (which I loved doing during my days off over the last few weeks!). I think it'll be an important lifestyle change for me but one I can implement gradually and which will make me happier, healthier and more productive in the long term. I'm excited!

Starting as I mean to go on...with tea and a good book.

What are your plans for the new year? Have you made any resolutions or chosen a word to live by over the coming months? Whatever you've decided to do, I hope you have wonderful, peaceful starts to 2017. Here's to the year ahead!


  1. Aaah the elusive quest for balance! Sending you lots of luck and good vibes, I think half the battle is making the commitment isn't it? Once it's out there, there's a bit of an obligation or nudge to pursue it. Happiest of New Years to you lovely cat, wishing you all kinds of love and sparkles. I LOVE the idea of a word for the year too, totally stealing that!
    M x

    1. Ha yes, those were exactly my thoughts! Writing it down somewhere to push me into doing something about it. We'll see how I get on, although just trying is half the battle I'm sure :)
      Do let me know your word for the year if you've chosen one! C x

  2. I think balance is a bloody terrific word and I love your idea of setting yourself just one word as opposed to a never ending list of goals!

    I have decided that this year I am not going to set myself resolutions but rather a list of 'hopes' as to what I want to 2017 to be like for me. I think I need to have balance as a part of that! xx

    1. I think that's a great idea - we're all tough enough on ourselves as it is without adding another list of 'must-dos' to all that. I hope 2017 is everything you want it to be :) xx

  3. I love that word, Balance. I strive for it myself on a daily basis and completely agree with you in the need to say "no" more often. I'm looking forward to seeing how you go with this. Have you looked into Yoga with Adrienne's Yoga Revolution? It might be a good way of getting back into the groove.

    I totally stole this idea and popped a post on my blog too. Added a link across to here of course :)

    S x

    1. I haven't heard about Yoga with Adrienne's Yoga Revolution but I love her videos so will definitely check that out - thank you!

      C x

  4. What an absolutely excellent quote that Neil Gaiman one is - bookmarking for future reference. My word for 2017 is productive. I want to use my time wisely, creatively and well.

    1. Isn't it? I re-read it at the beginning of every year and strive to live by it.

      I think you've chosen an excellent word for the year ahead - hope you have a thoroughly productive 2017 in all ways. Happy new year!

  5. That quote is beautiful! I've just nabbed it to put at the start of a new notebook!

    Balance is such a good word choice, it's definitely something I could do with improving on in 2017 too.

    1. As Michelle said above, balance feels like quite an elusive quest at times but I think working towards it is an important first step :)

  6. I really like this post, as I think oftentimes we get suckered into doing things we don't really enjoy or because we feel obligated to, and then we miss out on having some me-time and getting back to things we love - that's one of my exact resolutions for this year too, I want to have more fun, because last year I let myself get bogged down by a lot of things and while heading into 2017, things are still quite stressful and need sorting out, I want to face them with confidence and optimism, so this post reminded me of that, and just like your photo, I want to read more this year too, so I'm off to the library this morning! Have a lovely day. - Tasha

  7. Ooh, I also wanted to add that that quote is one of my absolute favourites - love it! - Tasha


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